DC’s Notes: Beavers Loggerheads, Cubs Challenge and Scouts Emlyn

Congratulations to the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers for taking part in their section competitions over the last two weekends. I was pleased to be able to get to these events as DC.

  • Beavers at Loggerheads
  • Cubs at Davids Challenge
  • Scouts at District Emlyn

I was really impressed with the way the teams at all three events showed teamwork and developed leadership in their challenges. With everyone having great fun along the way.

Thanks also to the leader teams in each section for their hard work in making these competitions happen.

It’s great to see the levels of challenge that go with the progression up through the sections.

Well done all who took part and thanks to all who supported these great events.

David, DC

Beavers Loggerheads 2017
Beavers Loggerheads 2017
Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017
Scouts Emlyn Camp 2017