Registration is now open for the 2019 World Scout Jamboree

The World Scout Jamboree is a big international camps for 14-18 year olds from across the world – usually about 30 000 or so people attend and from almost every country where there are Scouts. The next WSJ is in 2019 and will be held in North America.

The Hampshire participant selection weekend will be held at Ferny Crofts, over the weekend of 15th – 17th Sept 17. To go to the World Scout Jamboree as a participant, you must be aged 14, 15, 16 or 17 on 22nd July 2019.

Applications are now OPEN. How to apply!

  1.  Please download the WSJ19 Participant Application Form and make sure that it is completed and sent in by 30th June 2017. Alongside the Application form, is WSJ19 Questions and Answers, which will help to answer a lot of your questions.
  2. It is vital that you email our DC, with a quick message to say you are applying so that we can support you in your application.

The Hampshire participant selection weekend will be held at Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre, over the weekend of 15th – 17th Sept 17. Attendance will be required for the whole weekend.

If you will be 18 or older on that date, you can attend as International Service Team – applications are not open for this yet but you can express an interest

To Register your Interest in the WSJ 2019 as a member of IST, please complete this WSJ 2019 Interest Form

The leaders on their recent Leader selection weekend, made some videos to help promote the WSJ to Scouts and Explorers. These were made on phones, and completed in a very short time scale, so are not 100% polished videos, but can be worth showing – WSJ Leader Selection Videos – There are 6 in total – please make sure you watch through to the end!

How much will the Jamboree cost? The UK Contingent Management Team are currently working on the costings for 2019 and we hope to have this information before the summer. However, as a guide the participant fee for Hampshire units for the last Jamboree in Japan was approximately £3200

What is it like?
Watch this video from the last WSJ in 2015 to get a taste of what it’s all about.

You can contact the Hampshire WSJ team by E-mail to

Please remember to join the Facebook Groups to keep up to date: County Explorers and County Network as applicable.