The 29th Immaculata Scout Group took part in this year’s Basic Bank food collection to help support and make sure that local families who are struggling to put food on their table this Christmas, had enough food for this special festive time. It started with Baloo organising a visit from the Southampton Basic Bank branch, to kindly pop along to Cubs one evening and explain more about what they do and why.
From this, the Cub section decided that they would like to start up their own Food Bank like supermarkets do and make a donation from the 29th Scout Group. The other two sections got on board and a lot of food was kindly donated by the members and parents of the group. These including food for special dietary requirements as well.
Akela kindly offered to drop it around to their warehouse, so it could be distributed in time to the families that were in need for it.
A good job all round and thank you to each and every one of you who supported this cause from the 29th Immaculata Scout Group.
Below is some of our food collection in which we managed to put together in two week!
Russ Andrews.
29th Immaculata Group Scout Leader.