
Module 38 – Skills for Residential Experiences

1st & 2nd April 2017 @ Ferny Crofts

1st & 2nd April 2017 @ Ferny Crofts

With the main camping season just around the corner, this is an ideal ‘practical skills’ weekend to get leaders thinking about ‘the OUT in Scouting’ and learn in a safe environment.

The weekend is an ideal opportunity to learn from experienced trainers/scouters and from other delegates attending.

This is an additional ‘skills’ module which expands on Module 16 (Introduction to Residential Experiences), which ideally should be completed prior to attending this weekend.

There is a Module 16 being run on the Friday evening (31st March) at Ferny Crofts.

This weekend is also very useful to those seeking to become Nights Away Adviser,271,277 .

There are still places available on both Module 16 and the weekend, so
please use the link to book: Adult training application forms