Explorers Complete DofE Bronze Expedition

On the last weekend of October, 9 Explorer Scouts from The Southampton District put on their hike boots and rucksacks to embark on their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition.  The two teams completed their training and a practice expedition earlier in the month and spent several evenings planning routes and preparing route cards.  Each team had to carry everything they needed for the two days, including tents, first aid equipment, cookers, food, and all their personal kit.  

The Explorers set off from Ferny Croft on Saturday morning, navigating across the forest to arrive at Wilverley campsite mid-afternoon.  After cooking a hot meal they settled down to good night’s rest.  On the Sunday morning the teams packed away their equipment, making sure they left the site spotless and continued their Expedition to Pickets Post.  As they navigated through the forest they gathered information and photographs ready for a group presentation, which will complete the requirements of the D of E Expedition.

We were lucky to have dry and mild weather for the weekend, with an added bonus of an extra hour of sleep, due to the change of the clocks.

We will continue to support the Explorers with the other sections of the D of E Award:  Volunteering, Skill, and physical, and hope to be able to present their Bronze Awards along with Chief Scout’s Awards soon.

As well as all 9 Explorer Scouts completing their Expedition; Explorer leader, Jake Toomer, has successfully passed his assessment as a D of E Expedition Assessor.  We now have 4 qualified D of E Expedition Assessors in the District who look forward to seeing more groups next year.

Thanks to Mark for assessing Jake’s Assessed Assessment. Also thanks to Vicky and Rozy for acting as D of E Supervisors on the practice and Assessed Expedition.

Amanda Toomer,  AESL Endeavour



