District Commissioner: The Search Continues

As you are aware Colin will be stepping down from his role as DC and will be looking to continue his adventure in Scouting in a different direction. So he can do this we need to find a suitable replacement or replacements. We have had several people suggested recently but the search continues.

If you would like to suggest someone to be considered, please fill out the nomination form at the bottom of this page or simply send me an email with name and contact details of the person you think would do a great job for the District. A few words about why would also be helpful.

At the bottom of the page, you can also find a job description of the role to help guide your thoughts. I will say it looks a lot and the role is not the easiest of Scouting roles but it does mean you will have a lot of influence on how Scouting is done in your local area. I found it very rewarding when I previously took on the role.

If you feel you will do a good job, then by all means put yourself forward.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Andy Viney
Hampshire Scouts
Phone: +44(0) 7976 113089
Email: anviney@cokecce.com

DC Job Description Nomination Form