The last weekend of the Pro-Badge Training Scheme current season took place last weekend. We ran the Chef and Backwoods Cooking badges for Cub Scouts and the Survival Skills and Camper badges for Scouts. The weekend was wet at times but all had a good time.
This was the first time we had run the Chef and Backwoods Cooking badges for the Cub Scouts. Both courses ran very well though did need a lot of leaders to supervise whilst the cooking was taking place. The Cubs cooked on a trench fire (this is a ground fire so the Cubs did not need to lift boiling water and pots to high and will be how we do this again). The Chef badge was spread across two buildings with the food preparation (cutting and peeling) taking place in one building and the actual cooking in another.
The Scouts Survival Skills badge managed to survive at Lyons Copse in the rain, though the weather got better as the weekend progressed. Some of the shelters stayed drier and warmer than others and I heard a few tales about who had stayed dry and who had got wet. They all managed to light fires and cook their dinner and breakfast.
The Scouts Camper badge took place in Philamore field and the Scouts cooked two of their meals and learnt the skills needed to run a good camp covering the planning and risks as well as the practical parts.
Annual Review
You are all invited to our annual review which will take place on the 14th June in Pines Cabin, Lyons Copse at 7pm. All of the award winners will be announced and receive their awards. In addition any Cub who has completed five Cub courses will receive a certificate and any Scout who has completed all of the courses available to him or her will have their name put on the Pro-Badge board displayed in Lyons Lodge for all to see.
New Season – New Badges
Following on from this season we have had a review of the badges we run and have decided to discontinue the Scout Environmental Conservation Badge. This will be replaced by the Forester Badge, this is a badge we ran several seasons ago and are pleased to be reintroducing it.
We are also pleased to announce that the programme for next Season has been announced, courses and dates are on our What’s on When? page. We are now taking bookings for all of next season’s courses.
Course fees will remain the same as the last three seasons.
The badge information and permission to camp forms will be emailed out in September. Please see ourWhat’s on When? page for more information.
Can you help?
We rely on volunteers to help on all our courses if you are interested in helping please contact Scissors.
Lost & Found
Did your Cub, Scout, Explorer or Leader bring anything back from Pro-Badge which does not belong to them?
We are trying to match up missing kit with owners and so if you are missing anything or have any “extra” kit please e-mail our Stores Controller Andy Ratcliffe.
We regret that at the end of the season any lost property left at Pro-Badge is disposed of.
Scissors/Clive Clark
Camp Leader