
Hampshire Training Update – February

Details reflecting where we are with bookings for training modules for February to April 2016 can be found on the County website at

We usually stop at 24 delegates on each, and really need a minimum of 10 delegates to run most modules (residential a minimum of 15) – please ensure you book on Adult Training Modules in plenty of time to prevent cancellation!

There are currently a couple of places left on the Residential weekend on the 19th & 20th March covering Modules 5,7,8,9,12(a/b),16, if you want to attend this weekend book soon.

To book a place on any of the County Adult Training Modules download an Adult Training form or use the on-line booking form. For District run Modules please email the District contact shown.

Gene Burgoyne
County Training Administrator (Courses)
County Website:
Application forms: