Do you like to sing, dance or act? Sign up now for Roverang 2019

What is it?

Roverang is a Scout and Guide show that is focused on having fun whilst putting on a stage show in a professional theatre. It gives young people the opportunity to sing, dance and act on stage of a professional theatre. There are NO AUDITIONS, we want everyone to have the opportunity. We want young people to have fun, make friends and enjoy the magic of the theatre.


Roverang is open to all members of the Scout and Guide movements from Beavers and Rainbows up to Network and Rangers (Up to 25 years old)


Rehearsals take place every Sunday at St Marys Independent School, Midanbury Lane, SO184DJ

Adults, Juniors and Kids rehearsals are 4pm – 6:30pm. Miniz (Rainbows and Beavers) rehearsal times will be set a little later but will be about an hour long at some time between these times.


We charge a one off subscription fee of £45 for cast members except for the miniz who pay £25. This covers the cost of the rehearsal venue, costumes etc.

Sign me up!

The sign up day is Sunday 14th Oct 4pm  at the school. Adults, Juniors and Kids cast will stay until 6.30pm for their first rehearsal. Miniz cast will start rehearsals a couple of months later.

It’s a great opportunity to experience something that most youngsters don’t have the opportunity to take part in. if you’re not sure if it’s for you, come along for a few weeks and see what you think.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Stuart & Sami

Roverang 2019 Producers