
Karen Shillabeer – Gone Home

Karen Shillabeer – Gone Home – Friday 24th of November 2017

It’s with great sadness to inform you all that Karen Shillabeer, who was the Beaver Scout Leader at the 29th Immaculata Scout Group for many years during the 2000’s before moving to Falmouth which was her dream, sadly died after a long illness in a hospice in Falmouth on Friday.

Karen continued her Scouting in Falmouth and joined the 6th Falmouth Sea Scouts, when she then moved section to become their Cub Scout Leader, although Karen became KAA instead of Akela.

Karen will now be able to meet up with Ian, her late husband, and our thoughts and prayers are with their children Ashley and Kristian who now find themselves without a Mum or Dad.

Yours in Scouting

Russ Andrews.
29th Immaculata Group Scout Leader.