District Swimming Test Evening: April 24th

Do you have Scouts and Explorers attending Wye Valley who don’t have a blue card? If so, read on.
Scouting requires you to hold a blue card swimming certificate to prove that you are a competent swimmer before you join in our wide range of water activities. If you are going to Wye Valley Camp you will need to attend this test evening to be able to kayak.
To earn your certificate you need to swim 50m in light clothing and tread water for 5 minutes. A buoyancy aid can be used if necessary.
Monday 24th April 6:00pm – 6:45pm or 6:45-7:30pm
You can finish as soon as you’ve completed your test or stay for longer if you want to earn a level 1 or 2 swimming badge.
Regent’s Park School Community Pool
Richville Road Entrance. Please bring light clothes to swim in. Eg PJs bottoms and a tee-shirt
Sign up here!
Please follow the link below to sign up so we know you are coming.
Anything else?
This event is totally FREE and you’ll get a certificate to take home too as a record of your achievement.