I hope that you all had a great time at District Camp. I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and it was wonderful to see you and the youngsters having such a great time. Thank you for all the hard work you put into the group activities it was wonderful.
You will be aware that my term of office ends at the AGM on Thursday and I hope you will all join us for the evening and celebrate our year.
I have offered, with the help of the service team, to manage Wilverley to ensure it runs well is safe and makes a good income for the district so we can continue to improve the site and support our scouting in the City.
I have also been asked to be the Assistant County Commissioner for Network Scouting in Hampshire. This is a role I am looking forward to – getting involved and supporting our wonderful 18 to 25yr old scout membership.
The district has been on the lookout for my replacement and unfortunately they are not able to appoint anyone at this time. It is very important that they find someone who wants the job and can do it well.
Andy Viney is now heading the selection process and will be advertising around the County to see if someone in Scouting would like to come and lead in Southampton.
Having spent five years as the DC I am keen to ensure that the district is managed well until a permanent arrangement in place, and so I have offered to support a temporary team that has been put in place to manage the district.
The team consists of Ian Budd, Graham Meering, George Longhurst and Nico Chart.
I am really grateful that they have agreed to step up and help the district.
We will be operating as the famous five! If you ever read Enid Blyton books they even had a George in that group. But as I remember she was a girl. Sorry I am showing my age now. Google it for more information.
We have met and the roles and responsibilities will be shared as follows:
I will continue to deal with any issue resolutions and complaints and safe guarding concerns. I will also be overseeing the 1st as the acting GSL until a permanent DC is appointed and they can recruit a GSL for this group.
I will also be helping and supporting the 14th until the new GSL that I have appointed has settled into the group.
The rest of my duties are being shared as follows:
The group support arrangements will be carried out by George and Thelma.
The task of ensuring that all new adult volunteers and scout members are DBS checked and entered correctly on Compass is for Graham and Lyn Westerman.
Any presentations of service awards and Wood badges will be carried out by George, Graham, Nico and Ian.
If you are holding a camp over the summer then we would love to call by and see you all. Please invite whoever you wish from the Famous Five.
Graham will be continuing to support the 2nd as the acting GSL but it will be a top priority for the new DC to appoint a permanent post.
Nico will be attending all County Cluster meetings so he can relay County news back to the district.
Ian will be administering all nights away and adventurous activity permits.
The Swimming Gala in November will be run by Graham and Ian.
The Cross Country will this year be run by Ian if the district would still like one? (to be decided)
Nico will organise and chair all district team meetings in the future: invite, set agendas, and will be looking for a volunteer to write the minutes and distribute.
You will receive the monthly ramblings on the district website from all of the famous five.
The district calendar will be now produced and updated by Nico on the district website.
All adult contact details are recorded on compass so we will not be producing a district directory.
We will be publicising all district events on the website and encouraging you all to shout loud about your scouting.
If this leaves you baffled about who to contact about what, then feel free to contact any of us and we will steer enquiries in the right direction.
We hope that Andy Viney will take my place in September when I finally step away from the senior management team.
The District AGM is on the 7th July at the 13th HQ Canford Close at 7.30pm. Please come along and enjoy the evening.
Keep Scouting,
Colin Floyd,