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District Commissioner Blog – March 2016

Find out about the growth of the Southampton City Scout district, our recent Queen Scout and Young Leader awards, the latest news about District Camp, Wilverley and the new DC appointment process, along with the recent district events, including Cross Country, Chess, Panto and Football Six-a-side.

This year’s Census tells us that our membership has substantially grown this year. Well done, it is so important to get as many young people and adults to join our adventure. Over the past five years our membership has grown by 25% which is amazing.

I am delighted to welcome Claire Bandy as a District Cub Scout Leader for the Cub Section. I am sure that with her energy and commitment the cub section team consisting of herself, Sarah and Rob will be in good hands. We continue to look for another DCSL to join the team.

A big congratulations to Abi Bacon one of our young leaders who has completed and been awarded her young leader belt. Very well deserved.

Congratulations to Catriona Gibbon of the 25th Beavers on the award of her Queens Scout Award, another one of our young scout leaders off to Windsor for the parade.

We continue to ensure our adult leaders are well trained with Wood badges for Kate Budd of the 1st Cubs and Caroline Bird of the 25th Beavers. Congratulations to them both.

I completed my First Response refresher training recently. It was great to see that we have purchased some new manikins, they were great. A big thank you to Nico and Sarah Milstead for delivering this vital training.

The planning for District camp is in place with lots of on-site activities for the youngsters to enjoy. I can’t wait to get us all together at Broadlands. The Estate have offered us an alternative field which we think will be much more convenient for us. Ian Budd will give you a site plan soon and he will be arranging another site visit so you can all see the arrangements. We were at Broadlands yesterday and it was lovely and dry under foot.

The new district web site is launched please take a look at it. We think it promotes our scouting very well and promotes volunteering in our district. Get your good news stories to Oli Bills by emailing who will quickly enter them onto the site. SHOUT LOUD about our Scouting!! I recently attended a County media day at Cricket camp site and it was clear to see that our district web site is very well advanced in comparison with other districts.

Wilverley, our district Camp Site, continues to grow in popularity, with all the information you require on our website. A big thank you to Richard Webster who is doing an excellent job as our campsite booking officer. Thanks too to those that came along to the maintenance day, it was great and we got a lot done. The millennium gate is now replaced which looks wonderful.

I had a thoroughly great time at the Beaver Panto at The Point in Eastleigh it was a wonderful show and I am sure I recognised one of the cast Chris Thompson!!

Well done to everyone who participated in the Cub Chess, a thoroughly well run and enjoyable event.

A great afternoon at the Beaver Cub Scout and Explorers Cross Country event everything went according to plan apart from Sam a beaver decided to run off in the wrong direction. But even that was fun. Well done to everyone who took part a great day.

We also had a great Cub and Scout football six a side competition which was well represented and superbly run by the Students of Solent University a big thank you to them for the time they gave us. Congratulations to the 1st Swans and the 1st Scout Troop who both one the overall completion. Well done for all the sportsmanship from all the teams. For those that were at the event you would have seen that one of the cubs was injured and taken by ambulance to hospital. I am pleased to tell you he has fully recovered is now well. A big thank you to Jackie Brackley and Sarah Granger for helping him whilst we waited for the ambulance to arrive.

The District are going through the necessary formalities to appoint your new DC. I hope that an appointment will be made as soon as possible to enable me and the new the person to work together to ensure that the handover is very smooth. I officially will step down and hand over at the District AGM on the 7th July. We have lots happening for me to still enjoy!

Colin Floyd
District Comissioner