On Wednesday 5th August 12 members of the ASU enjoyed a “Grand Day Out” Having collected everyone from home we were on our way by 10 a.m. First stop for morning refreshment and a walk round the shops was Lyndhurst. unfortunately at this point the weather decided to rain on us.Then it was back to the minibus and down to Christchurch where everyone had time to do as they please as well as have lunch.Some decided to visit the shops, some to visit the Priory,and some were adventurous enough to hire a boat on the river and the sun shone on us all the time…
We met up again at 2 30 p.m. for the return journey stopping off at The Station Tea Rooms at Holmsley for a cream tea.This was a treat from one of our late members,Doreen Old who had bequeathed that we should “Do something nice” in her memory, and we toasted her with a cup of tea.We then made the return to Southampton dropping everyone of around 4,30.p.m. It was agreed by all that we had a very enjoyable day.
Our thanks go to Mansell Park Primary School for the use of their excellent minibus and to our D.C. Colin Floyd, for not only arranging the use of the minibus but delivering it to me and collecting me afterwards. Cant wait to do it all again sometime!!