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District Commissioner Blog March 2015

Congratulations to Pat Davies for receiving her long Service Award, very well deserved. Also, a big well done and congratulations to Toby Parker on his Queen Scout award. This concludes the remarkable achievement of the Parker family, three Queen Scouts from the same home. Well done to Toby, Hannah and Ben and family.

I am really grateful to the 29th Southampton (Immaculata) Scout Group for the wonderful celebration event for our Founder. I am so pleased to get such positive feedback on the event and that is down to Russell GSL and his excellent team and the 29th young people, thank you.

Congratulations to the 2nd Scout Group on winning both the cub and scout district football six a side competition. Well done to every group who came and joined in the competition. A big thank you to Graham for helping set up the event and to the Students of Solent University for running the event and refereeing on the day – fantastic support.

We have a Southampton City wide adult recruitment page if you have anyone at all who would like to get involved in our scouting please refer them to that will tell them of a range of different opportunities to join us and our adventure!!

We will be launching a District Youth Council very soon. I have asked Mike Langford and Heather Porter our new District Network Commissioners to help me by leading on this initiative. They will be guided by Keiran Brackley Ben Hibbert and Taylor Watson who are all young leaders. In partnership with Stuart Ganney and Dave Bowers on behalf of the scout and explorer sections. The format will be to invite two scouts from each group and two explorers from each unit to form the District youth Council. We will be asking for nominations soon. It will be wonderful to ask the representatives to help us shape our scouting going forward. Look out for more details soon.

We are looking to recruit more adults to help us with the Tuesday morning maintenance team at Wilverley. If you know of anyone who would like to get involved please ask them to contact me or Laura Dyer the camp site Manager. We would love to hear from them.

We have a swim test evening at Regents Park swimming pool on Tuesday 24th March at 7pm. Especially arranged for those going to Wye Valley but if anyone needs a swimming permit please come along.

Wye Valley is almost here ( 1st.2nd,3rd,4th May 2015), I can’t wait. It is a highlight event for our district, so please encourage all the Scouts and Explorers and Network members to come and enjoy what will be a fantastic bank holiday weekend.

St Georges Day parade will be taking place on Sunday 26th April 2015. This year it will start at the Bargate and assembly at Hoglands Park. Further details on the website very soon.

Don’t forget you need a new DC, the process of appointing the next DC is happening now. The person of your choice will work alongside me in my final year making sure that the transition is well managed and seamless. We ask please for anyone who would like to put themselves forward to contact Graham Meering. If you would like to nominate someone who you think would be ideal for the role please check first they would like you to put them forward. And if so, then send your nomination to Graham Meering in writing.

Yours in Scouting,
Colin Floyd,
District Commissioner