14 Scouts from the 29th Immaculata Scout Group attended a local Library in order to each gain their Scout Librarian Badge. This was a Badge that some Scouts showed an interest in gaining and when it became confirmed to take place, a few more Scouts signed up too.
During our visit the Library Staff kindly planned and ran the Badge for us, so the leaders could put their feet up and read a book or two.
The Badge was separated into three parts, one was talking about the different kinds of books available in the Library to what the Scouts were interested in reading etc., another part being all about planning a journey using the reference material available and the final part was about searching for books and locating them, to doing some shelving and assisting the staff with placing books back on the shelf in the correct places which had been returned from lenders.
At the end of the day all Scouts were kindly passed by Ali and Karin who were members of staff that kindly planned and run the badge for us for free. This was a fairly simple badge to gain with very minimum preparation and planning to set up. The Library was also happy to run this as they were introducing what the Library has to offer to young people who may not normally visit a library. Showing them that a Library does not just lend books and indeed much more.
Below are a few pictures of the Scouts taking part in the various parts of their badge.
Russ Andrews,
29th Immaculata Scout Leader