Young Leaders Going Strong

Young Leaders are still going strong, and we’ve had an influx of new members with the new term. It’s been lovely to welcome all the new faces, but we’re aware there are more out there. Just a reminder that everyone of explorer age (14-18) helping with a section, whether for DoE or scouting, needs to be registered with the Young Leader unit (contact me below) and complete their basic training (just like adult leaders). To get in touch with Iain (ESL(YL)), please drop an email to:

Young Leaders will continue to run on the second thursday of every month at the 1st Headquarters, and we encourage you to send your young leaders along so that we can train then up for you! If you would like a Young Leader, or are just interested in how it works to decide if you could accomodate one, please get in touch with Iain also.

There are plenty of resources for adult leaders who have a young leader in their section, available from Iain or the Scouts website here.

I’ve just revamped the Young Leader page of the District website, with useful info for prospective members. If there is information you would like to see on there, please drop me a line.

If you want to discuss how to stretch your Young Leader, or what they might be capable of (or to discuss any queries or problems, or even how they should show in Compass when it launches), please drop me a line or give me a call – email above, phone details in the District Directory.

Iain Redmill
Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders)