Congratulations to the 1st Stags for winning the County Emlyn scouting skills competition. Well done and congratulations to Andy and his team of Leaders at the 1st Scout Troop. “Be very proud”.
Let’s all shout load how good we are!!
We have a lot to be proud of in our scouting, having been in post for three years it is timely to note the achievements we have all made together.
In no particular order:
- Very supportive District Executive Council
- Adult recruitment on the up.
- Over 800 members in Southampton a record high.
- Wilverley camp site greatly improved
- Adult Training Greatly improved.
- Support to Groups greatly improved.
- All groups are full, thriving and looking forward with enthusiasm.
- A much improved media, communication and district web site.
- All district events and camps have improved.
- Our young Leader trainees continue to support our scouting well.
- A great number of bronze, silver and gold Chief Scout award winners. Quality scouting.
- Growing help & support from our Active Support Unit.
- Lots of additional adventurous activities taking place.
Scout Association Compass Membership System Data.
I spoke of this last month but for those that did not read it then, please note the launch of the new scout data base has been delayed for a few weeks whilst they fine tune the system. It will be opened for business very soon. When that happens we will have to major task of making sure all our young people are safely and accurately recorded on the system. You are being asked by Graham to tell him how you presently keep those confidential records. Further updates will be given out over the next few weeks.
If you keep your records on OSM there will be a day when that information will be transferred to compass so please make sure what records you have in OSM are correct.
Going forward it will be each group and section leader’s responsibility to make sure that the Compass data is up to date. That is a big job so groups may look to assign someone to take on that work on all the section leader’s behalf. It is your decision. I will be talking more to Group Scout Leaders at our next meeting which is being held on Wednesday 8th October at Bevious Town School at 7.30pm.
I Challenge you all. I would like many more Parents to be asked to get involved the more we have the more fun it would be for us. I challenge all of you to ask one person to get involved. I often get told that Parents would help if they were asked.
District Sports Swimming Gala
The District are holding its annual swimming gala at the Quays on Saturday 15th November so for those of you that are sports representatives please get in touch with me or Graham Meering and offer to get involved.
District Directory September 2014
We will be updating our district directory very soon so if you have any changes in your group please make sure Graham is aware of those so that your group information is up to date.
If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.
Yours in Scouting,
Colin Floyd,
District Commissioner,
Mob Tel 07770364711 or