Website and Newsletter Update

First of all, we have a “thank you and goodbye” to share. We are very grateful to Mike Johnson who has been our Web Manager for the last year and has done a huge amount of work revamping our website and raising the standards of our media and communications. Mike has been given the chance to run a pub in London and has already made the move. Do drop in to The Gazebo at Kingston-upon-Thames if you are passing! We wish Mike all the best and no doubt we will see him around in the scouting world.

We are also grateful to Ollie Bills (ABSL at the 29th) who has stepped up to become our new Web Master. Ollie brings a wealth of IT and communication skills and will continue the great work that Mike has been doing. Feel free to send kind comments and suggestions to

You should regularly visit our website to check the latest news and events information. We also send out an email newsletter “Left Handshake” on the 1st of each month with a short summary of each article and links to the website. All leaders and helpers in the District are welcome to submit articles by sending them to for consideration. Everyone likes to see information about forthcoming events and pictures/reports of recent events. It is also okay to send us links to items on your own group websites that might be of wider interest around the District.