Autumn 2014 term could be a good opportunity for you to fast-track your leader training and earn your Wood Badge!
Beaver, Cub, Scout, and Explorer leaders (and assistant leaders) need to complete modules 1 to 3 in their first five months as a leader, and then modules 5 to 19 within three years. However the scheme is very flexible: prior experience as a leader, a Young Leader, or experiences at work or college, is all recognised; courses are provided but most modules have an alternative way of learning available too e.g. workbook, video, e-Learning. You can complete the modules quickly in one term or gradually over the coming months.
For each module, once you’ve learned the material and put it into practice, then you need to validate it. Here are some dates this term when you can do LEARNING (left hand columns – in purple) and VALIDATION (right hand columns – in green).
LET ME KNOW by email if you would like to complete some or all of your training this term.
Training Date |
Module Numbers |
Validation Evening |
Module Numbers |
Sat 06/09/2014 |
11,12 |
Wed 10/09/2014 |
1 |
Sat 27/09/2014 |
10 |
Sun 21/09/2014 |
13 |
Sat 27/09/2014 |
14,15,19 |
Sun 05/10/2014 |
5,7 |
Sat 18/10/2014 |
1,2,3 |
Mon 13/10/2014 |
11,12,13 |
Sun 02/11/2014 |
10 |
Mon 27/10/2014 |
14,15,19 |
Sat 08/11/2014 |
8,9 |
Mon 10/11/2014 |
3,5,6 |
Tue 18/11/2014 |
1 |
Mon 24/11/2014 |
7,8,9 |
Sat 22/11/2014 |
17,18 |
Mon 08/12/2014 |
16,17,18 |
More information about the Scout Association’s Adult Training Scheme here:,223.