District Commissioner Blog July 2014

If you are going off to a summer camp I hope you have a wonderful time and be safe.

Please don’t forget to forward to me your NAN forms so I have the necessary information.

Scout Association Compass Membership System Data.

During the summer holiday the old scout data base will be turned off and the new Compass system will go live. As soon as that happens we will be looking to get all our records recorded safely and fully in line with our safe guarding and data protection responsibilities.

All our adult data will be transferred and we are confident it is in good order.

If you keep your records on OSM there will be a day when that information will be transferred to compass so please make sure what records you have in OSM are correct.

Going forward it will be each group and section leader’s responsibility to make sure that the Compass data is up to date. That is a big job so groups may look to assign someone to take on that work on all the section leader’s behalf. It is your decision. I will be talking more to Group Scout Leaders at our next meeting which is being held on Wednesday 8th October at Bevious Town School at 7.30pm.

District AGM Headline News

Thank you to everyone who attended the District AGM it was kind of you to come and show your support for the district team.

The headline news was the announcement that we have a new Ambassador who is Jo Ash the chief exec chair of the Southampton Voluntary Service. Jo is very keen to help us by getting our name out in the public and local businesses and help us strengthen our volunteer base.

Also Graham Meering was put forward to be our new District President. A very well deserved appointment and it will enable Graham to help Jo with the volunteer recruitment.

Ken Sherman our outgoing President was presented with a thank you gift and I personally would like to thank Ken for his support and the kindness he has afforded me. Ken is big friend of Southampton Scouts and will I am sure he will still keep in touch.

Patsy after a long distinguished time as a Cub Scout District Leader stepped down and has now joined the active support unit. Many thanks to Patsy for all her work and thank you. Patsy was given a gift of thanks by Pat Rae ADC Cubs.

Wilverley District Camp Site Improvements

The substantial investment in Wilverley continues thanks to the district exec and the wilverley sub committee. We have now a fully regulated fire evacuation and emergency light system along side the new generator. We have also are also improved the drainage on site three which for many years is far to wet for full used throughout the year. These improvements along side the good work of Arthur Jonathan Steve and Graham and Charlie gives us a camp site that we can all be proud of. Our next improvement is to refurbish the cottage kitchen when funding becomes available.

Please support the camp site maintenance weekends they are a vital part of us maintaining the site. Don’t forget if you help you get points to camp for free.

Group Sports Representatives

Our districts holds three main sports events each year, Scout and Cub six a side football which is now wonderfully managed by the sports graduates of Solent University. The Swimming gala is held every year at The Quays and is well run by Graham Thelma and Dave Bowers and a team of marshalls and group sport reps.

The District Cross Country and the Cub sports competition really do need lots of help from the sports representatives of every group. Every group are asked to enter a team of participants and for a group representative to act on the groups behalf with the organization of these two events. So please could all GSL’s please notify me the contact details of your group sports rep so we can make contact prior to those two events and get them involved.

All of the details of the FOUR events are in put on the News items on our web site well in advance of the events.

What is needed is for one person to take on the responsibility to book the venues for these four events. So if you are willing to do this job please make contact with me.

I Challenge you all. I would like many more Parents to be asked to get involved the more we have the more fun it would be for us. I challenge all of you to ask one person to get involved. I often get told that Parents would help if they were asked.

District Web Site

If you have looked at the district web site in the last week you will see that we are making a substantial amount of changes. Mike Johnson has lots of ideas how the site can be developed and we would like to have someone to help him complete the changes. We have lots of people that are wiz kids on computers and web sites if you can help us for a few months please contact me I would be grateful.


The district now has two district permits these are held by me. Every group that uses a minibus from time to time must get the “section 19” permit from HQ. One certificate for each minibus being used. Information here: http://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/3413/minibus-permits?moduleID=10&cat=55,400

District Diary and Directory 2014

Graham has completed the task of producing this year’s directory which is now available in hard copy. We can also send you an electronic version for you to keep. Please make sure you notify Graham of any changes to your details such as a move of house and changes to your contact numbers and email addresses.

If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

Yours in Scouting,

Colin Floyd|District Commissioner|Southampton City District Scout Council                 Tel: 07770364711 Email: dc@southamptoncityscouts.co.uk

Please visit our district web site:  southamptoncityscouts.co.uk