
Scout Wings Presentation



Back row: Amanda AESL, Keiron, Joe, Chantelle, Jake, Tony ESL & Air Activities Advisor, Dave DESC, Geoff ESL.  Front: Andy SL, Rozy, Abi, Faye, Ellie, Amy.

The Endeavour Explorer Unit of Southampton was joined by members of Odium District Air Explorers for the presentation of the Scout Wings to Jake at the Solent Sky Museum in Southampton.     Jake has been gliding at Lasham for the past 2 years and has completed many hours of training on the airfield and in a K13 glider; he flew his third successful solo glider flight in March 2014 to gain The Scout Wings.   Jake hope to continue gliding and increasing the distances he can travel and the time that he can stay in the sky by using the lift from thermals.

The presentation was made by Tony in the cockpit of The Sandringham flying boat followed by celebration cake and a full tour of the museum and all its aircrafts.   Everyone had a wonderful evening hosted by the manager, Steven, who welcomes bookings from all scouting sections to the museum on a Thursday night,

