Founder’s Day


On 22 February every year, millions of Scouts around the world gather at local, national and international levels to celebrate Founder’s Day. It is the birthday of Lord Baden-Powell (1857-1941), the pioneer of Scouting. Coincidentally, his wife Olave Baden-Powell (born in 1889), shared the same birthday.

Founder’s Day is a crucial event in the Scouting calendar when members renew their Scout Promise reaffirming their commitment to the core values of the Movement. It is considered a special day, as well as an opportunity to learn more about BP’s life and his work. His Writings remain inspiring to many and incredibly on phase with our times.


Reminder: Southampton City District Founders Day Celebration

We are celebrating the birthday of our Founder Lord Baden Powell. Please come and join us and celebrate. Please make sure that you are very smart and in full uniform.
St Andrew’s URC Church
The Avenue Southampton SO17 1XQ
Friday 21st February 2014
Assembly: Meet at 6.15 pm 
All parents, friends and families are invited to attend.