Congratulations to Rozy Toomer who has been selected to go to Japan for the Jamboree in 2015. This is very well deserved. The other three who applied are hopeful of attending another international experience.

Well done for both Ben Parker D of E Gold & QSA awards a huge achievement as he did the double at just turned 18.

Congratulations to JJ and Jake for gaining their D of E Bronze award well done to you both. And Simon Pickering on gaining his Young Leader belt

Well Done to Kris Partridge of the 11th and Kay Wilkinson of the 2nd for five years service. Congratulations to Lin Johnson for her 25 years service award. Lin will be retiring from her role as ADC Beavers at Christmas. Thelma as ADC group Support and Eve Willett and Elaine Buckland and Gail Langton will be heading up the District Beaver section in 2014

Well done to the 22nd Regents Park for the group’s 75th Birthday celebration. It was a lovely day which the Mayor and Mayoress thoroughly enjoyed.

Well done to the Canoe Club they had 36 through courses this year. Three beginners courses, two intermediate courses, one three-star course. More representatives from more groups would of course have been welcome.  Several groups have done training sessions too.

Congratulations to the 13th Millbrook who came second in the Solent regatta.

Also well done to the Scout Patrol from the 1st who were runners up in the County Emlyn competition.

Well done to all the Explorer scouts and older scouts who went to North Wales walking last weekend.

Remembrance Service

Some groups are attending a service at their local churches which is wonderful, for all the other nine groups please come along with a beaver cub and a scout to Guildhall Square at 10am foe the main City Parade. George Longhurst has sent you all the details and I look forward to seeing you and having a good turn out.

Swimming Gala

The arrangements for the District Swimming Gala are in hand. It is being held on Saturday 23rd November at 5.30pm. The aim is now to get the group sports reps much more involved in organizing and running the activities and we fully intend to continue with all our annual sports events.  You should all have the entry forms for the gala so please return them to Graham by the said date.

District Web Site

Please rember to tell everyone about your good news, if you have been to camp recently or are planning a event SHOUT LOUD about it. The web site is a great way to promote our district and tell everyone how good we are. Everyone loves a good news story. Please send all your articles to Tony and Val Kench by the 25th of every month.

Wilverley District Camp Site

A big thank you to everyone who came to the Wilverley Maintenance Weekend at the end of August. It was great to have such a good response from you all and we got such a lot done. Wilverley is now setting up a reward system for groups that help with Maintenance so you can still earn yourself points by coming out and doing some more of the jobs that we still have in hand.

The replacement generator project is going well and hopefully will be completed and up and running by the 15th November. It will just be a flick of a switch to turn it on.

New Alternative Promise Wording

The new alternative wording for the promise, gives YOU an alternative to saying duty to God. This takes effect from the 1st January 2014. You may if you wish say instead to uphold the values of scouting. It is your choice.

District Diary and Directory 2014

Graham has updated next year’s diary and the directory both of which are on the district website.


The Scout Association will be introducing next year a new date base for recording the membership details of all adults and more importantly all young people.

You can find information about Compass here.

If you have computer generated records either on OSM or in your personal records will you please keep them up to date so the switch over will be easier later next year.


The district now has two district permits these are held by me. Every group that uses a minibus from time to time must get the “section 19” permit from HQ. One certificate for each minibus being used. Information here.

Grow your Own Scout Group, Offer the Big Adventure

Thank you to you all for attending the meetings with Thelma to discuss how you can grow your own group. It is clear that every group has a lot to do to enhance what we do and share the load. All will add is Please point out to all your Parents your opportunity boards and the notices that your showing. Notionally 47% of adult members are Parents. Please ask your self what is your group’s average is it at that level?

District Camp 2014

The theme is “space” (thanks to the cub leaders for this suggestion, sorry we didn’t consult everyone about the theme.) Please get this message out to the groups and encourage them to think about how to they might exploit this theme.

All sections are asked if they can come up with some cool and exciting ideas for activities that we might buy in for the camp. And of course ideas for activities for the groups to run themselves. There will be a camp badge competition. Ian will provide info.

We will organise a campsite visit in the New Year. More info on 8th Jan GSL’s meeting. We are organising some blue-card swimming sessions in advance of camp, to give cubs and scouts the chance to participate in water activities.

This has been a very summer for us all. I have been to the following events.
•    2nd Shirley Joint Cub and Beaver Camp at Fernycroft.
•    26th Swaythling Cub Campers badge weekend at Ferny Croft
•    13th Millbrook Summer Fayre
•    11th Freemantle Cub Camp at Wilverley
•    25th and 14th Joint Beaver and Cub Camp at Wilverley
•    Network camp at Wilverley
•    District Emlyn Competition at Braggers Wood (well done every one who participated and congratulations to the 1st Aldermoor for coming out as the district winning patrol.)
•    Cubs David’s Challenge at Wilverley
•    The Race for Life in support of cancer research.
•    Beaver Logger Head Competition at Wilverley
•    Cub Survival camp
•    Portswood Fete
•    Beaver Fun Day
•    1st Beaver Trip to Moors Valley
•    29th Scout Group Fete
•    County Conference
•    1st Beaver Sleepover
•    1st Scout and Cub camp at Wilverley
•    Scout Maddison Hunt
•    Gilwell DC Open Day
•    Scout Raft Race
•    9th Shirley Warren 60th Birthday Camp
•    First Response Training
•    Recruitment evening which gave us three more student volunteers.

If anyone wishes to talk to me and clarify anything, I am always pleased for you to contact me by email or by phone or in person just ask away.

Yours in Scouting,
Colin Floyd, District Commissioner