Simon Pickering – Young Leader Belt

All in all that’s a lot of work.  Simon has risen admirably to the challenges, and has completed some of the challenges several times over.  For instance, running activities for the section is something that Simon does regularly, and for the final challenge of taking on running part of the section, Simon, with support from Tom (another young leader), ran the Scout meetings for three weeks while his scout leaders were away, with the GSL on-site as the ‘Leader in-charge’, but not needing to contribute to the running of the meeting.

A huge well done to Simon, and hopefully Tom will find his evidence to claim his belt in the near future!

We are delighted that Simon plans to continue to help with the 25th Scouts in an adult role.

I understand there are a lot of other Young Leaders who have set their sights on the Young Leader Belt, so watch this space for more presentations soon!

Don’t forget if you have a Young Leader starting with you in September (or one who started recently), they need to be registered with the YL Unit, in order to get their mandatory training in Child Protection, Policies and Risk assessment.  If you want to register your young leader (or check they are known to us), then just drop me an email:

Iain Redmill – Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders)