They kayaked, climbed, walked, cycled and shot an arrow. It was a great adventurous weekend in splendid surroundings.
A big thank you to all the leaders that went along to provide the activities I am sure you all had a great time as well as me and a big well done to Ian Budd who organised and ran the event like clock work.
Congratulations and well done to Nick Owen of the 2nd Scouts for gaining his Leadership Training Wood badge. Also congratulations to Jane Cook of the 11th Cubs for 20 year service award and Geoff Johnson and Sue Budd for 40 years Service.
I have now attended half of our group’s annual group meetings, these are being well attended by Parents and it is pleasing to see that a few Parents are stepping forward to join the supporting committees. That is great, but please remember that they all need to be given a job it is no good if they just attend meetings and don’t feel they are contributing, please get them fully involved. Please remember that the recruitment of adults into your groups should happen 24/7 365 days a year not just at the AGM. We need lots more adults so keep asking and asking for help.
To help you with this I have been presenting every group with a GROW YOUR OWN SCOUT GROUP resource box that has a great deal of resources to help you take forward your group and make it stronger and eventually grow to provide more scouting. Please make sure you ask to look inside the box don’t just stick it in a cupboard. We have also given the groups a vacancy board for you to put in your HQ main entrance. This is to be used by you to advertise any jobs that you need done. It could be you need a new GSL or it could be you just need help at a HQ maintenance day. Use those boards well I will be looking out to see what you are advertising.
We will also this summer be attending a number of fairs and shouting load that we need more adults in our groups and it has proved that our web site is a great way of getting adults to come forward and offer to help us. Graham continues to do his magic with getting them cleared and working in our groups.
Lot’s are happening this coming year about recruitment of adults it is our main focus but we need you to help us with this as well you need to ask anyone and everyone that you meet in your groups or outside scouting to get involved. Scouting has a job for most people.
District AGM
City District AGM is being held at the 29th Scout Group HQ 44 -50 Brickfield Road, Portswood, SO17 3AE on Thursday 4th July @ 7pm. Please do come along it is important that every group is present, I will be presenting the Bert Cooke Trophy to the group who has done well this year so that may be your group so I will see you there!!
The Wilverley consultation is still open, if you have not yet given your views on the future of the site please do so. So far lots of you have said we love the place and want to keep it. To help us take that forward the site has a new Warden her name is Brenda and she lives 5 minutes away from the site. She will welcome the hirers to the site and help us to keep it tidy and well organised. A very special welcome to Brenda and a big thank you to her for her offer of help.
Scout Badge Arrangements
Please remember that if you need any district badges and for all your badge requirements we now have a badge Secretary much more local to us. Itchen North badge secretary now holds badge nights at Rampart Road Bitterne, (just over Northam Bridge) on 16th April, 7th May, 11th June, 2nd July @ 7pm to 8.30pm. Joanne Collins the new badge secretary will also send you badges if you call her on 07894 865276.
I am away in Italy on holiday from Saturday 26th May to Sunday 2nd June inclusive so during that time if you have any queries please speak to Graham Meering who will help you.
Yours in Scouting,
Colin Floyd, District Commissioner,
Mob Tel 07770364711 or