District Development Day
We have rearranged the district development day to be held on Saturday 2nd February 2013 starting at 10am to finish prompt at 4pm at the New Newlands Primary School in Millbrook.
I have written to all those invited by email and please could you confirm that you able to come so we can finalise the catering arrangements.
JOB VACANCY: We need a bookings officer to help us deal with the enquiries for the site and the finances. If you now of anyone who may be able to help us with this please give me a call.
Good News the charges for our own groups to use Wilverley have been greatly reduced. It is now recognised that Wilverley is your camp site and we want you to make good use of it. These are the charges that come into effect on the 1st January 2013
Your GSL’s have a paper copy of the new 2013 district diary which is also on the district website.
Please remember that you can forward all your good news stories as they happen throughout the month and then Tony will put them all together for a left hand shake publication at the end of the month. So please remember to get all your adverts and good news stories to Tony by the 25th of every month. We always need to shout loud about what we are doing.
Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.
Yours in Scouting
Colin Floyd, District Commissioner, Mob Tel 07770364711 or colin.floyd@ntlworld.com