News at 15 November: This event has had to be postponed due to illness!
Quiz night has been postponed to Friday 18 January, 2013.
Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Contact Kris below for further details.
11th Southampton City Scout Group
Annual Family Quiz Night
Friday 16 November, 2012
7 for 7.30pm start, finish by 9.30pm.
Venue: 11th Scouts HQ on Kentish Road
(opposite Shirley Swimming Pool)
Adults £6.50 Children £5.50
Teams of up to 8 people.
Richard Cook is the Quiz Master!
Bring your own drinks, alcohol is permitted.
Bring your own drinking glasses and donations for the raffle.
To book your place call Kris Partridge on
01794 521 889 or 07512 034 855
by Friday 9th November at the latest.