The team is now working on next year and we would like your permission to put on Roverang 2013 at the Nuffield Theatre between the 2-6 April 2013 and invite the young people and adults in your District to take part.
Due to the developing all inclusive ethos of both Scouting and Guiding it is our intention to trial opening this year’s show up to a wider age range of young people. It is, therefore our intention to open a new section in this year’s show for Guides and Scouts with an age range of 10 to 14 years.
The Children’s cast will remain open to Brownies and cubs with a maximum age limit of 10 ½ by the week of the show and Adult cast will continue to have a lower age limit of 14 as in recent years.
Roverang is an amateur production performed by members of the Guide and Scout Association.
Producer: Sam Weller, E-mail Tel: 07885469309
Asst Producer: Sue Parker, E-mail Tel: 07789681047
Asst Producer: Gary Foote, E-mail Tel: 07872104515
We hope that, in the spirit of both Guiding and Scouting, you will support this trial and if you have any queries or would like to discuss this further please feel free to contact either myself, Sue or Gary on the numbers or email below.
If we don’t hear from you we will assume that you are happy for us to go ahead with the show and make contact with the leaders and young people in your District or Division.
Many Thanks in anticipation of your Support.
Sam, Sue and Gary