In February we will again be running the Patrol Leader Training weekend. It will be a bit different this year as we are trying some new ideas for the training, but please think who in your Troops you would like to send on this training to learn skills in both practical areas and in the mystery of “how to lead other people”.
At the end of March we are running a hill-walking weekend for Scouts in the Brecon Beacons. I will be sending out details to Troops soon so you can promote this to keen outdoor Scouts in your Troops. All of these three events are coming together thanks to the unselfish offers of time from Leaders across the District, using their time and skills to benefit Scouts from all Troops. This is what makes the District work well, so thanks to all who are volunteering to make them happen.
Finally, I am sure that all Leaders are making plans for their activities at District Camp (when of course it will no longer be cold). I am very keen that between us we should put on the best set of activities we possibly can so that the Scouts will have a brilliant time and enjoy the whole event. If you need some help from the District in making your activities the best they can be – call your ADC today and let’s see how we can work together to do it.
Looking forward to getting “out there” and enjoying this new year of Scouting,