What does the website have that is new?
The new website is designed to enable us to tell everyone our good news immediately so please don’t wait until the end of the month to send us your stories just write a few words and take a good photo and send them to Tony Kench who will put it in the good news section of the site.
Of course we are aiming to increase our scouting operation in our district but this can only be done if we tell everyone that we need more adults to volunteer and that volunteering can be done in a range of different ways. The main message is that some roles can be taken up in a very flexible way to meet the needs of our other commitments. This message is clearly given in the get involved pages and the announcement that even the Duchess of Cambridge has given a commitment to help scouting locally.
The Scouting pages offer some understanding to the prospective parents and also to adult volunteers on the aims of the scouting programme for the various sections and promotes them. This information needs further work so please give us some ideas you now the individual sections better than me.
We have set up Group pages on the site if you have a better photo of your headquarters please send them to Tony and he will put them on the Group introductory page instead of the ones that I took early one morning that are a bit fuzzy. These pages are for each group to develop so send your promotional materials to Tony and he will enter it onto your page. If you have your own Group website we have linked to it but please make sure it is up to date and suitably focussed on getting out the key message of we are good at scouting in Southampton and we are looking to grow but that can only be done if the community help us and more adults come and join in the adventure!!
The site also has up to date information on our district camp site Wilverley and a calendar giving its availability. Could all ADC’s please check that the district events at Wilverley are fully booked on that Calendar?
In the Adventure pages we have information about the District run adventurous activity clubs that we have for you. These are in Archery, Climbing, Hill walking, Shooting and Water activities and the Canoe Club. Take a look at these and please promote them to the young people.
In the members area you will find all the information that you will need if you are going through the training scheme. Nico is working hard to really make a difference to this so keep an eye out for further information. We also have in the member’s area the District Directory and the District Calendar and the District Executive Committee have now entered all the minutes of their meetings over the last three years. They make good reading. In the members area we also have key notices for leaders so use these as a way of finding out the most up to date information.
The Southampton City District Camp
We want this camp to be a huge success for everyone from Beavers to Leaders. That is a huge objective but I am sure we can do it. I have asked a small team to meet with Mike Jackson, George Longhurst and myselfto help shape the Camp and try as best as we can to meet everyone’s requirements.
If you have any key requests I would ask that you tell the following people:
Beavers – Lin Johnson. Cubs – Patsy Osborne – Scouts – Andy Clasby – Explorers and Young Leaders and Network – Dave Bowers.
I am attending all the section meetings to get some understanding of what each section would like organised for you at camp and all those thoughts will be discussed further at our planning meetings and then feed back will be given.
Adult Leader Reviews
As I am sure you will be aware Scouting has a review process that we must uphold. This is a positive way for us to say thank you for all that you do, it is also a opportunity to ask what we can do to support you and do you need further ongoing training for your various roles. The review process is also a vehicle for you to tell us if your happy doing the role you have could you offer more and take a bigger role or is it time to reduce your commitment. GSL‘s and I will be sending out review invites to a few of you over the next few weeks.
Christmas Holidays!!
With Christmas I had a great rest and recharged the batteries. I have attended two main events since Christmas.
I was kindly invited to attend two Chief Scout Award presentations at the 7th Scouts. They gave a presentation to the Troop of activities they completed as part of the Award requirements. Clearly they had found the work challenging but great fun. Well done to them both and I hope they are now looking forward to moving onto Explorer Scouting.
At the last moment I stepped in to drive the mini bus to Gilwell for the Winter Camp. Nemesis Explorers went along with the 7th Scout Troop. The Gilwell Winter Camp is a huge event with over two thousand Scouts and Explorers camping. Gilwell has it very well organised and they offer central cooking which means it is just a case of turn up pitch your tent and enjoy the wide range of fun activities that they have organised. I would thoroughly recommend it to you. Stuart, perhaps the Scouts could go as a district next year?
Please don’t forget if you need to speak to me with anything your concerned about just give me a call and I am sure I can help you.
Mob Tel 07770364711 or colin.floyd@ntlworld.com
Yours in Scouting
Colin Floyd
District Commissioner
Southampton City Scout District